Why Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing & More

Why Digital Marketing?

September 12, 2020 Uncategorized 1

He Who Is Not Courageous Enough To Take Risks Will Accomplish Nothing in Life.” Muhammad Ali

Where it all began….I attended college at the University of Texas at Austin and as a confused freshman I was not sure what major I wanted to declare. I was enrolled in McComb’s Business School, but from Finance to Supply Chain Management to Marketing, I was not sure which route I wanted to take. After doing some research, talking to several advisors, and taking some of my first college classes, I decided to major in Marketing. I eventually realized that Marketing was the perfect major for me because of it offers the most creative aspects in the Business realm. While I love using my imagination and thinking outside of the box, I am also fascinated by results gathered through data. I like analyzing numbers, graphs, and statics to come up with ways to solve problems and produce various conclusions to ultimately grow brand awareness. Some of my favorite courses were Brand Management, Marketing Research, and Design Thinking for Business Innovation. Four years later, in 2017, I graduated with a Marketing degree from UT Austin. Hook Em Horns!

Post college graduation? In May 2017, I accepted an offer and began my first big girl job. My first position was as a Sales Representative because, honestly, it was the first offer I received and I was so motivated to start my career in corporate America. I am so happy I took this Sales role because I learned more than I could ever learn in a classroom. I was thrown into this role knowing nothing about the industry and had to figure everything out. I was quickly promoted and received the opportunity to work with some of the largest hotels and bars across Austin, Texas. I dealt with a countless amount of rejection, improved my listening and communication skills, grew my overall confidence, and strengthened my ability to manage my time.

What happened next? After two years working in Sales, I felt like it was time for a change. I knew I always wanted to go to South America and have always loved travel and adventure. In September 2019, I took a risk and quit my job to travel and reset/recharge. In my time traveling, I challenged myself mentally and physically, improved my Spanish skills, and was able to learn about various cultures around the globe. My time abroad was an incredible experience that will always be cherished.

Fast forward to 2020. We are currently in 2020 in a Global Pandemic and I am so grateful I made it back home before this craziness began. I came back to the USA with the goal to pursue a career in Digital Marketing so that I can use my creativity skills, analyze data, and work with growth-minded people who are interested in learning more about different cultures around the world like I am. I am currently a full-time student at Somerville Academy working to grow my digital marketing skill set learning everything from Google Analytics to SEO Strategy. Somerville Academy has also allowed to me to network with like-minded women across the United States. I enjoy connecting and working with other professionals who have different interests and backgrounds whether they are a classmate, teammate, or client. I also love the fact that digital marketing is constantly evolving and one working in this industry must be able to adapt to the continuous innovation. I am so excited to begin this new career path and am looking forward to the opportunities ahead.


  • Wide Range of Interests
  • Creativity and Numbers
  • Love Working With People
  • Adaptable
  • Growth Mindset / Risk Taker

One Response

  1. Jimmy says:

    Mary. This nothing short of EPIC!!!’ I am so proud of you. This is really good stuff. What a great presentation

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